Door lock how to conservation?

Door lock how to conserve? are different from commercial hardware standard, civil hardware parts with long, easy, there are many problems here. Unlike commercial hardware standard, civil hardware parts with long, easy, there are many problems here. Particular locks, parts of this high capacity, long service life, there will be a failure. Door hardware manufacturers

Often find some users and friends, locked in the House often because of damage or as a result of conservation shall not be treated as. Maintenance standards: for some time, due to the gravity door, or door sheet reasons, causes the doors sink appeared to lock the door or the door is not smooth. This time is often key to open the door, lock the door very hard. At this point, do not forcibly twist the key, so as to avoid breaking the key, increase trouble. China top ten brand lock product the right solution: you should review the reasons. If there are doors sunk due to loose loose, loose loose screws should be tight. If deformation or cause unrecoverable frames, starting from the door frame will latch the corresponding extension, so that can return to normal door lock switch door smoothly. Lock maintenance some things to note: first, do not power turn the key to open the door for some time, due to the gravity door, or door sheet reasons, causes the doors sink appeared to lock the door or the door is not smooth. This time is often key to open the door, lock the door very hard. At this point, do not forcibly twist the key, so as to avoid breaking the key, increase trouble. Door manufacturer
The correct solution: you should review the reasons. If there are doors sunk due to loose loose, loose loose screws should be tight. If deformation or cause unrecoverable frames, starting from the door frame will latch the corresponding extension, so that can return to normal door lock switch door smoothly. Second, it should not appear with some friends at the door of lubricants itching, tense or when tend to lock some of oil, so that immediately locks entirely smooth, but because oil and sticky grey, later Keyhole easier to slowly accumulate dust, and greasy, so instead of making door locks are more prone to failure. The correct solution: cut a little pencil powder or some candles unqualified, through a narrow tube into the lock cylinder, and then insert the key again and turn several times. Door handles suppliers

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